Two residents of Oneida have been taken into custody for a meth bust following an investigation by the Madison County Narcotics Task Force and the Madison County Sheriff’s Department. Police stated that the alleged offenders were part of a large-scale methamphetamine operation.
The materials used were reportedly disposed of at the residence. At the scene, law enforcement seized 50 one-pot meth labs, numerous lab components as well as two rifle magazines.
The man who was arrested at the home was charged with unlawful manufacture of methamphetamine, unlawful disposal of lab material, possession of material used to manufacture methamphetamine, possession of a controlled substance, possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device and conspiracy. The woman was charged with unlawful disposal of lab material, possession of material used to manufacture methamphetamine and conspiracy. The woman was released after being taken to jail on her own recognizance while the man was held pending a $1,000 cash or $2,000 commercial bond.
A person who has been charged with a drug crime may benefit from speaking to a lawyer with experience in criminal defense. A drug charge can have serious consequences for a person’s reputation in the community and their career. Many drug crimes carry a possible penalty of time in a state correctional facility as well as fines. An attorney could help get charges reduced or negotiate a deal with the prosecuting attorney where the defendant can complete a drug diversion program.
In some cases, a defense attorney may be able to get charges dismissed. For example, if a search warrant was executed improperly, an attorney may be able to get any evidence that was found suppressed. This will usually result in a dismissal of any criminal charges.