On Sept. 27, three New York residents were taken into custody after authorities allegedly discovered a working methamphetamine lab in a garage. According to Corning police, officers were called to a property on East 5th Street for a trespassing in progress.
When police arrived, they found three men on the property and the meth lab in the garage. The individuals were identified as a 26-year-old man with an unknown address, a 37-year-old man who had no current address and a 42-year-old Corning man. Each man was charged with third degree unlawful manufacture of methamphetamine and criminal possession of a controlled substances. The Corning man was additionally facing charges for obstructing governmental administration, unlawful possession of marijuana and resisting arrest.
The three men were sent to Steuben County jail after their arraignment. They were scheduled to report back to Corning City Court later on. It was determined that all three men had active warrants for their arrest. Authorities also noted that the investigation was still ongoing and that each of the three men could potentially face additional charges later on.
Drug charges have serious repercussions if a conviction is obtained, which could include a lengthy prison sentence, fines and supervised release. As such, those who were accused of committing drug crimes could have their life impacted by these accusations. A criminal law attorney could challenge the prosecution’s version of events, especially if the evidence does not match the charges or if an accused person’s rights were violated during the incident. Depending on the charges and the evidence available, the attorney may use certain defenses, including arguing that the drugs did not belong to the accused person or the person was threatened or coerced into committing the drug crimes.
Source: WENY, “Corning Police Discover Meth Lab in Garage“, Renata Stiehl, Sept. 27, 2017